
312 Arch St Culvert Under Vico’s Auto Body Shop, Norristown, PA 

An existing culvert with over 10’ hydraulic opening is a part of the closed culvert system which carries Saw Mill Run thru a residential-commercial area in the Borough of Norristown, traversing under existing buildings in some areas and was in structurally deficient (deteriorated) condition and needed immediate rehabilitation.

Truss engineering assessed the structural condition, performed an H&H study, evaluated the existing foundation, performed structural design and analysis, and prepared construction documents. Truss Engineering prepared a submission package for DEP, the City of Norristown, and PennDOT.

Conrail Chemical Coast Railway Culvert Over Marshes Creek, City of Linden, Union County, NJ 

The project involved the preparation of construction documents for three 48” diameters of ductile iron pipe to a single 42” diameter pipe culvert in order to improve the hydraulic capacity of the culvert. 

Truss Engineering performed the design calculations and geometric calculations to meet the Conrail criteria. The design details and specifications were prepared to accommodate the construction in two stages keeping one of the two tracks in service at all times. Truss Engineering also prepared the specifications to execute the construction work in areas with contaminated soil.